May 28, 2013


Check out the website of Dr Brad Case:   -  20 Steps To Perfect Health.

May 12, 2013

Thomas Jefferson Quote

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first".


Wrinkles are inflammation????????? The wrinkle cure

Puree or Juice?

Which is best?

Fix Digestion Conditions

Reasearch - Figs Plums Aloe Vera


Culinary Foods of the Bible Medicines of the Bible

The Hundred-Year Lie


Thermography Instead of Mammography

                           Three Rivers Thermography
                                  "We See It First"

Ladies, you will say "no" to mammography exams and "yes" to thermography once you get the facts. Check out this website and stay healthy.

Cocoa Powder - Food of God

Love Street Living Food in Pittsburgh PA Cobromo - God consume Ecuador - Best Cocoa powder Aztec and Mayans added chili's ground up.

Kidney Stones

Detox and Juicing Cause - Acidic diet, too much meat, etc. Greens (no spinach), fruits, veggies, no sugar, no caffeine drinks. B-6 - Magnesium Aspartate - Super Cran Complex Gall Bladder/Liver Flush - 10 Day Detox Diet Allerzyme Bilezyme Dr Gallagher @

Return To The Ancient Seed

Dr Courtney Show Archives. 888-890-4969

Sugar Consumption In America

In 1700 We consumed 4 lbs a year. In 1800 We consumed 18 lbs a year. In 1900 90 lbs. In 2009 50% of Americans consume 180 lbs a year, half a pound each day!!!

Gall Bladder Flush

Lemon juice and Olive oil recipe. Swedish Bitters???

Aluminum-Free Baking Soda

Bob's Red Mill

Electromagnetic Smog

Phone Towers? Dr Wagner

Air and Water Purification Technologies

Anti-bug Spray

Parsley juice!

The New Vitamin Bible

Book by Earl Mindell

Things To Know About Taking Blood Pressure

Cup size? Rushing into it? Arm level? or not? Hearing ability? Old #'s versus new #'s?

Effective Alternative Cancer Treatments ???

Did You Know?

Your blood passes through your eyes every 35 minutes!!!

Fosamax Dangers

Spontaneous fractures after years of taking this drug.

New Biology

Book by Bruce Lipton? Eli Jones 1900 book? Cancer Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments #1 Cause is Stress? Meridan Tapping Technique? LA Times Article African Aids Programs backfired. More kids died of side diseases.

Pharmacist's Beware

You can get cancer from handling cancer drugs? True?

Sweat Lodges Healing Cancer

Dr Lewis malnadrona (sp?)UPMC Shadyside Alternative Medicine Clinic

Reflux Defined

Too little, too much acid?

Duration of the Ideal Nap

20 minutes.

Corn-derived Vitamin C

What's up? You want non-GMO source. The bottle should give you the source of the Vitamin C. It will have the same molecules but not be alive. WHAT? YUK!

Micky Mantle Quote

"If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself".

Arthroscopic Surgery

are worthless. It is now known and will contribute to degeneration of knee and create the need for knee replacement. Drugs like cortizone, will destroy cartilage and soft tissue.

Dental Implants

What's the best material? Zarconium? Beverly Hills dentist says...

Artery Measurements

Your body can self-repair artery measurements! Dr Raymond Francis

Soak Your Feet

Your feet are the drainage field for your spleen. Do foot baths of various kinds and draw out some of the 6000 toxins that may be in your body.


Do yourself a favor and stand barefoot on the grass for 15 minutes a day.

Do Not Drink Tap Water

unless you run it through a high quality reverse-osmosis filter.

Norway Bans Antibiotics


Beef-fed Antibiotics

70% of all antibiotics are fed to healthy livestock. Only eat grass-fed organic beef.

Hospital Caused Infections

Cause 100,000 deaths per year.

Soda Pop and Your Bones

The acid in pop pulls minerals out of your bones and causes mental problems.

Insulin Resistance

Constant hunger??? Too much insulin leads to cravings for carbs.

Physician Money Codes

Each time a doctor types in a diagnosis into his computer a code is rung which results in a payment being made...

True Cinnamon

Ceylon or Sri Lankan...

Avocados and Eggs

Avocados and Eggs?

Dandelion Root

A Natural diuretic in capsule form.

Alternative to Sunscreen

Zinc Oxide!

Hawthorne Berries

Hawthorne deals with blood clots. Should be used in place of aspirin.

Yerba Mate - A Natural Red Bull?


How Much Fruit To Eat

Friut should be eaten sporadically in small amounts.

Caffeine Effects On Eyes


Protect Your Kitty Cats

Cats get MS from irradiated food in 30 days!

Green Tea vs Black Tea vs White Tea

What are the differences? Green and black come from the same plant. Black is fermented. They both have antioxidants, just different ones.

The Story Of Canola Oil

It is actually Rapeseed which has a toxin in it and is heated. The name is changed to sell it.