February 19, 2018


A new report claims that 90 percent of melanoma surgeries are actually unnecessary removals of benign lesions, raising questions about the accuracy of the “melanoma epidemic.” The report highlights the necessity to get a second, and perhaps even a third opinion from a specialized clinic before going under the scalpel. 

The American Academy of Dermatology recently made the bizarre claim that “UV rays are not very efficient in creating vitamin D in the skin. However, no corroborating evidence has been produced to back up this provocative statement.

UVB exposure has a number of other health effects unrelated to vitamin D production, including enhancement of mood and energy, melatonin regulation, suppression of MS symptoms, and the treatment of skin diseases.

Exposure to UVB light may also be protective against melanoma (the most lethal form of skin cancer), whereas UVA radiation is associated with skin damage.

READ IT ALL HERE: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/29/unnecessary-melanoma-surgeries.aspx

Listen to Dr. Mercola's interview here:

Melanoma Remedies - Some Testimonials @ Earth Clinic

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