December 29, 2009

Neurontin (Gabapentin)

Gabapentin (Neurontin), a drug that is used in the treatment of epilepsy, and may be used for bipolar disorder by some doctors, is under study for its ability to relieve muscle cramps. Oddly, however, documented side effects of this drug can include MUSCLE ACHE or PAIN (IN ADDITION TO BLURRED or DOUBLE VISION; DIZZINESS; DROWSINESS; SWELLING of HANDS, FEET, or LOWER LEGS; TREMBLING or SHAKING; and UNUSUAL TIREDNESS or WEAKNESS). UNTIL THE RESULTS ARE KNOWN, WE RECOMMEND STEERING CLEAR OF THIS DRUG.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing; Fourth Edition, page 586; Phyllis A. Balch, CNC


November 11, 2009

Don't Fill Up On Empty Calories

Hi There,

Check out the above topic under "Must-read Articles" over to the right. And get started cleaning up your diet!!!

October 9, 2009

Would You Put These Six Things Into Your Body?

These Are The Six Ingredients That Comprise A Popular Drink:

1) Carbonated Water

2) High Fructose Corn Syrup

3) Caramel Coloring

4) Phosphoric Acid

5) Natural Flavors

6) Caffeine

So tell me, why would we put these six ingredients into our body? To get a cold refreshing drink of Coca Cola!

September 6, 2009

Educate Before You Vaccinate

Your Children...Your Choice...Your Rights...

Before your children or grandchildren are vaccinated please take the time to research the subject.

You can click on these links to the right.

August 30, 2009

Natural Flavors May Not Be So Natural

Natural Flavors? Have you ever noticed near the bottom of the ingredients list on a food product at the "Big Grocer" the words "natural flavors". This typically gives a person a good feeling about the product. "Hey man, it's gotta be good, it's natural". But the story now begins. (You're probably saying, "C'mon Mike, pretty soon I won't be able to buy anything at the "Big Grocer".)

A natural flavor is a man-made additive. It could be from a "natural' source (what ever that is or means) or it could derive from an artificial source. Natural flavors are added to processed foods and fast foods. You see, processed foods lose almost all their flavor through the processes of freezing, dehydrating, and canning. So flavor must be put back into the food because taste is the #1 most important quality in food. Again, here is where are mad scientists come to the rescue. In this case these chemists are called "flavorists". No, I'm not making this stuff up.

Once you realize that flavor is where it's at and that flavor is mostly an olfactory experience that we cause as we chew our food and gases are released which we smell, and if we are pleased we eat and keep going back to eat more. No matter whether the food is healthy or not, as long as it "tastes good" we are going back for more.

Most natural flavors are not natural at all, and the reason a product would need natural flavors added tells you "the processing" has "screwed"with your food or drink. That incredible taste of your Vanilla Swiss Almond ice cream probably started out as a bacterial protein.

You may say, "Well, at least it is at the bottom of the ingredient list". The truth is that it only takes an infantesimal amount of natural flavor to trick your olfactory senses. Since the ingredients are listed in order of amount in a product, natural flavors is usually at the bottom.

The American Flavor Industry is a 1.4 Billion dollar a year industry!!!

Cures For Cancer

The big "C". People nervously make references to cancer. They often can't bring themselves to even speak the dreaded word, cancer. So cancer, becomes the "Big C". Cancer strikes fear in the hearts of people and justly so, it has tortured and killed so many. The shame though is that there are cures for cancer. First preventative cures, lifestyle choices that will grant your body the ability to remain cancer-free. And secondly, there is hope for those who find themselves with any form of cancer to be cured.

This is a huge subject and I won't pretend to be an expert. But I will link you to some experts who can help you find answers to your questions and even help you or someone you love be be healed of cancer.

At you will find a natural approach to healing cancer. Lifestyle changes, dietary changes.

At you will find the newest methods of curing cancer.

At you will find a cancer treatment consultant.

At you can register for information to be emailed to you.

These sites and others are to your right. In fact most every website link to your right has something to say about curing people of cancer.

A Plug For "The Ultra Mind Solution"

I just gotta tell you of a must-read book, "The Ultra Mind Solution" by Mark Hyman M.D.. I recently kept it checked out of the local library for 10 weeks, (Thanks Rick for recommending it) reading and re-reading many parts of it. You can click on to Dr Mark's website over to the right. Once there click on the box "7 Keys To Ultra Health". This book is written so the layperson can understand. Well, I am taking for granted that you have a desire to learn. You might have to drag out some biology or chemistry from the deep recesses of your mind. Turns out there was a good reason to be taught "that stuff" back in high school!!! Okay, okay, forgive my condescension. I admit that I had forgotten most of what I had learned "once-upon-a-time" about the human body, so , crazy as it sounds I find myself at Barnes and Noble scanning books on Human Anatomy and Physiology. It is really a great way to spend a friday evening.

August 29, 2009

The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup

This stuff is an evil concoction. It has no natural fructose as is found in fruits and honey. It is a phony food, a fake sweetner made from corn starch. It is highly refined poison and it is found it almost everything at the grocery store.

Back in about 1970, some mad scientist who worked for "Big Food' came up with the idea to demonize fats. This crazed lab worker said fats should be removed from foods. But along with the fats were removed most of the flavor found in those foods. Aha, a solution was waiting in the wings, an inexpensive sweetner with a very long shelf life. This sweetner would be added to virtually every food product on the market. Hey, can I ask how "we the people" allowed these greedy devils to tamper with our food!!!

Now here's a few of the problems with HFCS. Whenyou slurp down that Heinz Ketchup with those greasy fries you're ingesting a clear sugary liquid that goes straight to your liver and turns into fat. Unlike real sugar that would cause the pancreas to produce insulin which alerts the brain that you are no longer hungry, HFCS doesn't trigger this response of the pancreas and thus your gaining fat but never feeling full. So a vicious cycle ensues; you crave the fake sugar which makes you fat but you never feel full so you keep on spending your precious hard earned money on more foods laden with this crap (sorry Mom, I know crap is not a word to be used, but you may agree it has an appropiate use here) and you get fatter and fatter.

The crazy thing is that HFCS is used in foods labeled "Diet Foods". So you think you are making a healthy choice but in reality you are being deceived by "Big Food" and getting fat and sickly and miserable. Check out salad dressings, your mayo, your fat-free cookies (Ha!), your sodas, your relish, your BBQ sauce, etc, etc.

Read these articles:

Clog Up Your Pipes With Hydrogenated Oils

Read the list of ingredients on most items in a grocery store and your likely to see either "hydrogenated oil' or "partially hydrogenated oil". And if these oils are in the food your holding do not buy it. Unless you want to create health problems galore for yourself.

Once upon a time "Big Food" big-shots figured out a way to make oils last longer in the deep fryers of fast-food joints. It was discovered that by injecting hydrogen into the molecules of the oils that they would be preserved much longer. Thus saving themselves zillions of dollars. Of course the negative impact these perverted oils have on the consumer's health is not considered, all that matters is the bottom line.

Natural oils can be processed by the human body, but hydrogenated oils become sticky and the body cannot assimilate them. They end up sticking to the lining of your intestines and your arteries. So, go ahead, and clog yourself up.

If you decide to read labels while you food shop you will be amazed at how most everything at the Big Grocer is polluted with these frankenstein oils. Before long you will be buying just about all your food at the Natural Food Store.

Mr Yuk Says "Beware of Plastic Bottles"

The icon of Poison-Control, Mr Yuk, says we need to investigate the health hazards emanating from those plastic drinking bottles and plastic food containers. I'll spare you my rant about the evils of most plastics and link you to some who have researched the subject.

If You Like Honey .....

The best way to buy what you eat is to buy local. Local, local, local!!! This is so true concerning HONEY. Did you know that most HONEY sold in "BIG GROCERS" comes from massive bee farms where bees are fed "High Fructose Corn Syrup"(HFCS) and other sugars, and there hives are lighted 24/7 to further production? How crazy is this? Check it out. Read the honey labels next time you are in a BIG grocer and see what you find. I bet you will see HFCS and caramel coloring!!!

At I read, "High Fructose Corn Syrup, when exposed to warm temperatures can form hydromethylfurfural (HMF) and kill honeybees. Some researchers believe HMF may be a factor in "Colony Collapse Disease", a mysterious disease that has killed at least one-third of the honeybees in the U.S.A.. Studies have also linked HMF to DNA damage in humans. In addition HMF breaks down in the body to other substances potentially more harmful than HMF!!!"

When you buy locally-produced honey you are getting a natural product with nothing added, and it has the benefits of resisting allergens that are specific to your locale. Buy "pure, raw' honey. The truth is so sweet!

Links For Your Health

Greetings to all who may enter here. This blog is borne out of my intense interest in living a healthy, vibrant life in soul and body, and my desire to help people find healing for their illnesses, soul and body. I pray that the information found herein will lead you into a life of health and that you will be inspired to educate yourself and become your own Personal Care Physician. There are many links on the right side of this page that can help you research most any health issue. My blog posts will be designed to get you to "think" about an issue and to fire you up to do some research. Seek and you will find - find the truth.