August 29, 2009

The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup

This stuff is an evil concoction. It has no natural fructose as is found in fruits and honey. It is a phony food, a fake sweetner made from corn starch. It is highly refined poison and it is found it almost everything at the grocery store.

Back in about 1970, some mad scientist who worked for "Big Food' came up with the idea to demonize fats. This crazed lab worker said fats should be removed from foods. But along with the fats were removed most of the flavor found in those foods. Aha, a solution was waiting in the wings, an inexpensive sweetner with a very long shelf life. This sweetner would be added to virtually every food product on the market. Hey, can I ask how "we the people" allowed these greedy devils to tamper with our food!!!

Now here's a few of the problems with HFCS. Whenyou slurp down that Heinz Ketchup with those greasy fries you're ingesting a clear sugary liquid that goes straight to your liver and turns into fat. Unlike real sugar that would cause the pancreas to produce insulin which alerts the brain that you are no longer hungry, HFCS doesn't trigger this response of the pancreas and thus your gaining fat but never feeling full. So a vicious cycle ensues; you crave the fake sugar which makes you fat but you never feel full so you keep on spending your precious hard earned money on more foods laden with this crap (sorry Mom, I know crap is not a word to be used, but you may agree it has an appropiate use here) and you get fatter and fatter.

The crazy thing is that HFCS is used in foods labeled "Diet Foods". So you think you are making a healthy choice but in reality you are being deceived by "Big Food" and getting fat and sickly and miserable. Check out salad dressings, your mayo, your fat-free cookies (Ha!), your sodas, your relish, your BBQ sauce, etc, etc.

Read these articles:

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